Research on Travers in the Parish of Prescot
Research on Travers in the Parish of Prescot
Is there any trace of our earlier ancestors?
As a result of the assistance of Travers/Travis surname researchers we have made contact with and our own research, we may have a breakthrough in tracing our Travers ancestral line back two more generations into the 1600’s. This page provides an update on the ongoing research into who might be the possible parents of Matthew Travers. The Church of England parish records are inconclusive and it is difficult to find new, easily accessible, sources of information. The current line of research is focusing on various Lancashire Travers wills and Catholic records. Land records will become another source as well. It has become apparent that the Travers in Lancashire remained loyal to the Catholic Church for quite some time. The question then becomes, when did those of our ancestral line join the Church of England and are they mentioned in any records that can be found today? Our Mathew was certainly married by the Church of England in St Helens in 1738, but no record of his, or his wife's, baptism has been so far located.
If you have information that may assist in this research or any question or comments about the website please email:
These are links of interest for history of Windle, Rainford, Eccleston, Hardshaw and St Helens. The early Travers are mentioned numerous times.
Windle Township -
Eccleston Township -
Rainford Township -
Whiston Township -
History of St Helens -
Lancashire Recusancy - (Henry Travers of Hardshaw is specifically mentioned in a quote from January 1599.
To better understand the Penal Laws and the persecution of the Catholics -
On Page 7 of the Travers/Sides pedigree there is a pedigree for Peter Travers and William Travers, both of Windle. At the bottom of the page (beside sisters Ellen Travers and Alice Travers) note that “John Travers of Eccleston, son and heir, Executor to his father’s will, 1639.” Further down it says, “John Travers of Eccleston, co. Lancaster “butcher. Appears in a list of recusants... 1626-27, Died 1639.”
This is only 1683 minus 1639 = 44 years. Could this be the same John and Margritt Travers of Eccleston identified in the 1683 will?
John and Margritt Travers of Eccleston near Knowsley (possibly Matthew Travers’ grandparents). Source: 1683 Will
Daughter Margritt
Daughter Ellen
Daughter Ann (This Ann Travers may have married: "23 May 1691 John Glover, and Ann Travis, of Eccleston, co. Lanc., Spinster. At Prescott." This marriage was filed in the Archdeaconry of Cheshire. Source: M.S.)
Daughter Elizabeth
Son Mathew
Son John (This John Travers may have married Hannah Wainwright in 1708, below)
John Travers of Windle, married Hannah Wainwright of Bold, December 21, 1708, (possibly Matthew Travers’ parents) Source: R.L.
Son James, buried 1710
Daughter Ellen buried 1717
Son Mathew buried 1718
Our Mathew Travers could be the grandson of John and Margritt Travers of Eccleston. Ann (Travers) who married John Glover in 1691 could be Mathew Travers’ great aunt. Mathew Travers was an executor of James Glover’s, of Prescot, will. FHL British Film 88794, 1765-Original Wills "G-M" 1765” Source K.T.). This will is on order. The problem here is that Mathew is shown as a son being buried in 1718. One of our researchers (S.M.) has suggested that this might be a christening in 1718. This would eliminate the conflict, however, it is making a large assumption. "Prescot Registers would appear to be written up at the end of the year in the same ink and handwriting neatly into the registers from some form of rough book now lost. It is therefore possible to mistake a baptism for a burial as exactly the same format is used for baptisms and burials of children."
Note: We have no birth record of another son Matthew Travers, born about 1715. This is a research priority. It is possible to assume that Matthew’s father was a John Travers due to the custom of naming the first male child after his father. Or perhaps it was George because that is the name of William’s first son.
It is a priority for us to locate the 1767 Return of Papists for Lancashire to determine the names of the Travers that identified themselves as Catholic.
In addition to the Church of England registers, there are also some nonconformist records. The Rainford Independent Chapel was established in 1703 as a direct result of the return of the Rainford Chapel to the Church of England. Unfortunately their registers begin in 1746 (St Helens Library, archives, M/90/69). The St Helens New Chapel on Ormskirk Street was at first Presbyterian and was erected in 1710. Baptisms are recorded from 1734 (St Helens Library A55.1). The Unitarian Chapel was formed on Atherton Street in Prescot with some of the congregation from the St Helens New Chapel in 1756. Its registers from 1776 are in the National Archives (RG 4/1120). It closed in 1879 and the Prescot Methodist church was subsequently built on the site. Roman Catholic burials at Windleshaw from 1751 are in the St Helens Library (A55.8). We are interested in an earlier period than any of these existing church records.
The St Helens New Chapel Independent Baptisms 1734-1837, and Burials 1812-1837 are also available on microfiche and have also been transcribed. These are held at Manchester Archives and Local Studies, Central Library, St Peter's Square, Manchester, M2 5PD, UK
St Helens- New Chapel Independent
Baptisms-1734-1837- MFPR 290
Baptisms Tr.-1734-1837- Q929.342757 Sa1
Burials-1812-1837- MFPR 290
Burials Tr.-1812-1837- Q929.342757 Sa1
Also, there are numerous land leases and other documents at the Lancashire Record Office and indexed at
On Dec 26, 1731 there is a record of the following Pews being owned at the Chapel of St Helens. William Travers and John Traverse, immediately next to each other on the south and Peter Travers on the north.
For the parish registers please remember that the new year began on March 25 under the Julian Calendar until the Gregorian Calendar came into effect on January 1, 1752.
The Registers of Prescot 1531-1595
LPRS Volume 137
Henre Trauas the son of Rog(er) tr(a)uas of wyndyll lafully begotyn was baptisit the xxvj day of Januarij
Katheryn Trauas the dowt(er) of John' Trauas of wyndyll, vnlafully begotyn was baptisit the xxiiij day of Marche
Isabell Trauas the dowt(er) of bryan trauas vnlafully begotyn was baptisit the xxx th day of August
Elyn traues doght(ur) of John traues of wyndyll, layfully begotyn was baptised the last day of Marche
Ryc' Trauas son of Rogg(er) Trauas of Eccleston layfully begotyn was baptised the ij th day of October
Thom(a)s travas son of John Trauas of qwyston layfully begotyn was baptised the xiij th day of November
Hug' Traues son of John Traues of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xxj th day of december
Jane Trauas doght(ur) of wyll(a)m Trauas of wyndyll vnlayfully begotyn was baptised the xxiiij th day of Marche
Elyn the doght(ur) of John Trauas of qwyston layfully begotyn was baptised the x th day of Januar(e)
Margrett the doght(ur) of wylly(a)m Traues of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xxij th day of September
Elsabeth the doght(ur) of John Trauas of Sutt(o)n layfully begotyn was baptised the xiij th day of december
Pers the son of wylly(a)m Trauas of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xxij th day of July
Geffra the son of Ryc' Traues of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xxj th day of december
Alys the doght(ur) of John Traues of qwyston layfully begotyn was baptised the last day of Marche
Wylly(a)m the son of wylly(a)m Traues of wylndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xij th day of Jul.
Bryan ye son of Ryc' Trauas of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the x th day of Aprell
Wylly(a)m the son of Rondyll Trauas of (pre)scott layfully begotyn was baptised the xxj th day of June
Wylly(a)m the son of Maythew Trauwes of wyston layfully begotyn was baptised the xiij th da...
Marget the dought(ur) of John Trauas of qwyston layfully begotyn was baptised the xx th day of August
John the son of wylly(a)m Trauas of wyndyll layfully begotyn was baptised the xxix th day of September
Aug. 1560
John' Travas so(n) of John' Travas de hardeshay was baptysed ye xix th day
Nov. 1560
Jane ye doght(er) of wyll(a)n Travas was baptysed ye xxij th day
Aug. 1561
wyll(a)n Travas Son(n)e of John' Travas de hardeslaw was baptysed the xxx th day
Oct. 1561
Jane Travas dought(er) of mathew travas was baptysed ye xxxj th day
Dec. 1561
An' Travas ye dought(er) of mathew travas smyth was baptysed ye vij th day
Apr. 1562
Jane ye doght(er) of Rob(a)rt Travas de bolde was baptysed ye vij th day
Aug. 1563
elezabeth travas doght(er) of Thomas travas baptysed ye viij th.
Apr. 1566
Merget travas ye dowghter of Evan travas was bap ye xij.
Jun. 1566
Elyzabeth the dowghter off Mathew travas off Eccleston was bap...
Elyzabeth the doughter off rondyll travas off Eccleston was bap the xvj th
Apr. 1567
Mergett the doughter off John' traves off wyndyll was bap the x...
May 1568
.ly. abeth the doughter off John' traves off hardshaw was bap the x..
.lyn the doughter off Mathew traves off Eccleston was bap ye xviij th
Dec. 1569
John' ye sonne of Robert Traves was Bapt' ye xxiiijth
Feb. 1570
Anne' ye Doughter of Robert Traves was Bapt' ye xth
Apr. 1571
Elsabell ye Doughter of Mathew Traves was Bapt' ye vjth
Oct. 1571
Ane the dawght(er) of John Travis was Bapt' ye 25
Jun. 1572
John Treveres sonn to mathew treveres
Mar. 1573
Henrie the sonn of John Traves was baptized
Apr. 1575
Jane filia Mathew Travers de Ecclesto(n) bapti: 23o die
Jan. 1575
Margaret filia Robert Travers de windle bapti: 5o die
Sept. 1578
willm's trau(er)s fili(us) Robti' de windell
Jan. 1578
Margeria trau(er)s filia willmi de Rainforthe
May 1580
Alicea trau(er)s filia Robti' de windell
Jun 1583
Ellina Trau(er)s filia Ro'bti' trau(er)s De windle
Aug. 1585
Jana filia Illegitima {noth:} petri Trau(er)s de - windle baptizat' erat xxvo Die Augusti
Sept 1585
Henricus fili(us) willm' trau(er)s de Rainforth
May 1586
Johes; fili(us) Ro'bti Trau(er)s De windell
Mar. 1586
Ric'us fili(us) Galfrid(us) Trauers De windle
Jul. 1591
Thomas filius noth: An Travers d.. windle bap: 4 die : John Dichfild the supposed father
Oct. 1592
Windle An fa. Jeffery Travers 30 die
May 1594
Elizabeth filia Robert Travers de windl {e} ....pti: eode(m) die
Sept. 1540
Adam Cowper and Elyn Trauas was maried the xij day of September
Thom(a)s Traues & mergett Rogheley was maryed the xxiiij th ....
Oct. 1552
Rychard Peyton & margaret Traues was maryed the fyrst day of October
Aug. 1554
John Traues & Alys Colley was mareed the xix th day of August
Aug. 1561
Raffe haywarde & Agnes Trauas wer(e) marye the xj th day
Sept. 1566
Thomas Potter & katheryn traves were mary ye xxviij th
Jul. 1577
Thomas Barto(n) {Barton not Baxter } & An Travers cpniugio copul: 23o die ./
Oct. 1578
Laurenti(us) pendleton et Ellina trau(er)s in Co(n)iugio
Jan. 1585
Galfrid(us) Trauers et Margareta Mosse in Co(n)iugio
Jun. 1591
Richard Dento(n) & Jane Travers coniugio copulati 29 die
Jul. 1592
James Hollande & An Travers coniugio copulatj erant primo die . /
Feb. 1592
Robert Tarbocke & Ellin Travers coniugio copulati erant eode(m) die
Feb. 1592
Robert Travers & kathere(n) hey coniugio copulatj erant 20 die
The Parish Register of Prescot 1573-1631
LPRS Volume 76
(More to come)
The Register of Prescot Parish Church Part II 1632-1666
LPRS vol. 114
1633. Page 2
June 9 Johannes fs. Petri Traverse, We.
1634. Page 7
Mar. 1 Johannes fs. Susannae Travers, pater suppositus Johannes Waynwright, We.
1635. Page 7
May 4 Ellena fa. Petri Traverse, We.
1636. Page 11
Aug. 21 Petrus fs. Richardi Traverse, We.
1636. Page 12
Feb [10[ Johannes fs. Franceis Traverse, We.
1639. Page 19
Jan. 7 Jana fa. Johannis Travis [Travers], We.
1640. Page 23
Feb. 28 Arthur fs. Richardi Travers, We.
1643. Page 29
Aug. 5 Cicile fa. Johannis Travers, E.
1643. Page 30
Oct. 17 Mathew fs. Johannis Travers, We.
Feb. 18 John fs. Johannis Travesr, We.
1645. Page 35
Oct. 4 John fs. Thomae Travers, Bold
Nov. 16 Margett fa. Johannis Travers, E.
1646. Page 37
Sept. 20 Maria fa. Johannis Traues, We.
1650. Page 44
Mar. 12 Elizabetha fa. Henrici Travers, Knowsley
1653. Page 48
Sept. 13 Ellen d. John Travers, E.
1662. Page 53
Nov. 4 …James Travers
1664. Page 56
Margery d. James Travers
1640. Page 64
Nov. 5 Henricus Traues & Anna Stockley
1645. Page 66
May 28 John Ratcliffe & Mary Traves
1656. Page 68
Apr. 9 John Travers & Anna … of We. Married by Doctor P…
1662. Page 70
Dec. 8 Peter Travers [?] & Ellen Hey, both of E.
1635. Page 76
May 14 William Traverse, We.
1635. Page 77
Dec. 2 Johannes fs. Johannis Traverse, We.
Jan. 9 Johannes fs. Willimi Traverse, We.
1636. Page 78
Feb. 26 John fs. John Traverse, We.
1637. Page 79
Nov. 6 Margareta fa. Johannis Travers, E.
1638. Page 82
Mar. 18 Petrus fs. Petri Travis. We.
1639. Page 83
Dec. 18 Johannes Travis, E.
1642. Page 87
Apr. 12 Jane fa. Willm. Traves, We.
1648. Page 101
Jan. 3 Johannes Travers, E.
1649. Page 102
May 21 Jacobus fs. Willielmi Travers, We.
1650. Page 105
Sept. 18 Katherina Traves, vid., We.
1651. Page 107
May 2 Cicilia Travers, vid., E.
1653. Page 113
Mar. 25 Jane Travers wid., S.
1658. Page 117
May 11 Jane Travers wid., We.
May 23 Peter Travers, We.
June 9 Henry Travers, We.
The Registers of the Parish of Prescot 1665-1694
LPRS Volume 149
May 18, 1665
John s. of James Travers, Windle
April 8, 1666
Richard s. Peeter Travers, Eccleston
July 8, 1666
John, s. Willm Travers, Windle
September 16, 1666
Margrett d. James Travers, Windle
March 3, 1666
Mary d. Willm Travers, Windle
April 14, 1667
Sarah d. James Travers, Whiston
December 20, 1668
Jane d. Peter Traverse [Travers], Eccleston
March 1, 1670
Ellen d. William Travers, Windle
October 20, 1672
Ellen d. William Traverse, Windle
October 4, 1674
Joseph s. John Travers, Eccleston
January 9, 1675
John s. William Traverse [Travers], Windle
June 11, 1676
Henry s. John Traverse [Travers], Eccleston
September 29, 1677
William s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
October 27, 1678
Margery d. Arthur Travers, Prescot
July 17, 1679
Willm s. James Travers, Prescot
Christnings Prescot
May 2, 1680
Thomas, s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
Christnings Prescott & c.
February 9, 1680
Anne d. James Travers, Prescot
Christnings at Prescott
April 14, 1681
Thomas s. John Travers, Eccleston
September 25, 1681
Margaret d. Arthur Travers, Prescot
January 31, 1682
John s. John Travers, Eccleston
June 3, 1683
Ellen d. James Travers, Prescot
June 3, 1683
Richard s. Peter Travers, Eccleston
June 17, 1683
William s. William Travers, Sutton
August 18, 1684
Margritt d. William Trauers [Travers], Rainhill
Christnings at St. Ellens by Mr Wythington, a nonconformist preacher 1684
January 29, 1684
Mary d. John Trauers [Travers], Eccleston
March 4, 1685
Elizabeth d. James Trauers [Travers], Prescot
December 2, 1686
Alice d. John Trauers, Eccleston
May 13, 1688
Jane d. James Travers, Prescot
May 27, 1688
Elizabeth d. Arthur Travers, Prescot
April 2, 1689
Margarett d. William Travers, Sutton
Mar 3, 1689
Peter s. John Travis, Eccleston
Christnings (at Prescot)
May 8, 1690
James s. James Travers, Prescot
June 1, 1690
Richard s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
February 8, 1691
Alice d. James Travers, Prescot
February 5, 1692
Margaret d. James Travers, Prescot
February 2, 1693
Peter s. James Travers, Prescot
April 17, 1682
William Travers & Elizabeth Hill, Parr, banns
November 12, 1683
Arthur Trauers [Travers] & Elizabeth Litherland, Prescot, banns
April 29, 1691
John Glover, Sutton & Ann Travers, Eccleston, banns
Could this be the John Glover Watchtoolmaker that we have the will for naming Matthew Travers, Shoemaker of Windle?
Probated 1765.
The information in square brackets [ ] is from the Bishop’s Transcripts
May 19, 1665
John s. James Travers, Windle
December 1, 1665
Cicely d. John Trauers, Eccleston
November 11, 1667
Jane Trauers, Windle, Widow
January 13, 1667
James Trauers, Whiston
March 15, 1670
Ellen d. William Travers[e], Windle
August 24, 1671
John s. William Travers, Windle
January 16, 1672
John Traverse [Travers], Prescot
September 29, 1677
Elizabeth wife of Arthur Travars [Travers] Prescot
February 3, 1677
Ellen wife of Richard Travers, Rainhill
October 1, 1679
Richard Travis, Rainhill
October 4, 1679
Henry Travers, Sutton
May 3, 1680
Thomas s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
September 2, 1681
John Travers, Windle
December 11, 1681
Richard s. Peter Travis, Eccleston
May 5, 1682
Ellen wife of Arthur Travers, Prescot
December 13, 1682
Mary Travers, Sutton, spinster
February 15, 1682
John Travers, Eccleston
November 25, 1684
Margritt d. William Trauers [Travers] Rainhill
July 1, 1687
William Travers, Windle
April 5, 1689
Margaret d. William Travers, Sutton
May 20, 1689
Jane d. James Travers, Prescot
June 7, 1689
Anne d. Arthur Travers, Prescot
December 23, 1690
Arthur Travers, Prescot
March 30, 1691
Richard s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
January 18, 1691
Peter s. John Travers, Eccleston
November 14, 1693
William s. Arthur Travers, Prescot
January 20, 1693
Anne d. James Travers, Prescot
October 13, 1694
James s. James Travers, Prescot, gent
October 24, 1694
Alice d. James Travers, Prescot, gent
The Registers of Prescot 1695-1726
LPRS Volume 149
June 16, 1695
Sarah d. James Travers, Prescot [gent]
January 31, 1696
Alie d. Richard Travers, Windle
December 30, 1700
Ellin d. Hugh Travers, Eccleston
December 27, 1702
John s. Henry Travers, Whiston
April 1, 1705
Thomas s. Henry Travers, Eccleston
April 1, 1706
James s. Hugh Travers, Eccleston
April 28, 1706
Henry s. Henry Travers, Eccleston
October 3, 1708
James s. Henry Travers, Eccleston
July 26, 1713
Alice d. Henry Travers, Eccleston
December 27, 1715
Thomas s. Henry Travers, Eccleston
April 7, 1702
Edmund Stock, Holland & Margrett Travers, Windle, banns
December 21, 1708
John Travers, Windle & Hannah Wainwright, Bold, banns
August 26, 1717
Peter Travers, Warington & Ellizabeth Boydall, Windle, banns
May 29, 1695
Peter s. James Travers, Prescot
November 17, 1696
Margrett Travers, Eccleston
December 25, 1699
Margery Travers, Prescot
January 19, 1699
Mary Travers, Windle
January 28, 1699
Mary Travers, Prescot
October 29, 1701
James s. Peter Travers, Eccleston
December 15, 1702
William Travers, Sutton
December 18, 1702
William s. William Travers, Sutton
March 10, 1702
Henry s. Henry Travers, Whiston
March 21, 1704
Thomas s. Henry Travers, Eccleston (see also April 4, 1705)
April 4, 1705
Thomas s. Henry Travers, Eccleston (see also March 21, 1704)
May 3, 1707
Peter s. Hugh Travers, Eccleston
April 6, 1708
Margrett Travers, Eccleston, widow
April 6, 1708
Henry Travers, Eccleston
May 13, 1709
John Travers, Eccleston
May 22, 1709
Henry Travers, Sutton
July 27, 1710
Henry s. Henry Travers, Eccleston
September 4, 1710
James s. John Travers, Windle
March 23, 1710
John s. Hugh Travers, Eccleston
December 4, 1711
Mathew Travers, Eccleston
November 29, 1712
Ellin Travers, Windle, widow
May 22, 1714
Alice d. Henry Travers, Eccleston
December 25, 1714
Alice Travers, Windle, widow
February 3, 1714
Ellizabeth Travers, Sutton, widow
February 13, 1714
Ellizabeth d. William Travers, Whiston
July 15, 1716
Margrett Travers, Prescot
March 26, 1717
Ellin Travers, Eccleston
December 11, 1717
Ellin d. John Travers, Windle
June 22, 1718
Mathew s. John Travers, Windle
December 7, 1720
Peter s. William Travers, Whiston
March 29, 1721
Thomas Travers, Windle, jackmaker
We likely have his will.
September 11, 1721
John Travers, Windle, shoemaker
Could this be our Mathew's father??
December 1, 1721
Hugh Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Nonconformist Register 1701-1726
October 16, 1702
Mary d. Hugh Travers, Eccleston, bapt., reg. Oct 20
December 1702
John s. Thomas Travers, Windle, bapt
August 15, 1704
John s. Hugh Travers, Eccleston, bapt
November 8, 1706
Ellizabeth d. Henry Travers, Sutton, bapt
January 8, 1704
Thomas Travers, Windle & Ellin Heyes, m. at Walton, lic. (not in Walton PR
Parish Register 1722-1726
November 5, 1725
James s. Grace Travers, Prescot, spinster, William Swain, suposed father
October 22, 1722
Mary w. of John Travers, Bold, taylor
October 4, 1723
Henry s. William Travers, Whiston, collier
May 13, 1725
Mary Travers, Eccleston, widow
September 3, 1725
James Travers, Prescot, gent, attourney att law
January 8, 1725
Thomas Travers, Eccleston, linnen weaver
March 6, 1725
Henry Travers, Sutton, laboror
Burials in Church 1635-1664
January 3, 1648
John {Traves} snr, Eccleston
Information additional to or varying from that in the parish register or Bishop’s Transcript is given enclosed in brackets. {}
The Registers of Prescot 1727-1765
LPRS Volume 156
March 6, 1729
John s. James & Hannah Travers, Prescot, officer of excise
April 5, 1732
Mary d. Peter & Jane Travers, Rainhill, joyner
January 18, 1733
William s. James & Hannah Travers, Prescot, officer of excise
January 27, 1733
Hugh s. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
April 24, 1734
Ellizabeth d. Peter & Jane Travers, Rainhill, joyner
Apr 17/ Apr 25, 1736
Easter d. John & Elliz. Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Oct 30/ Nov 17, 1736
Ann d. Peter & Jane Travers, Rainhill, joyner
Nov 1/ Nov 12, 1738
Jane d. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Oct 8/ Oct 27, 1740
Mary d. Peter & Jane Travers Rainhill, joyner
Aug 2/ Aug 16, 1741
Hugh s. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Jul 20/ Jul 30, 1744
Thomas s. Mathew & Ann Travers, Windle, shoomaker
Our family.
Jan 13/ Jan 26, 1744
William s. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Sep 8/ Sep 27, 1747
William s. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
Oct 10/ Oct 30, 1747
Thomas s. John & Easter Travers, Rainhill, taylor
Jul 22/ Jul 30, 1749
John s. John & Easter Travers, Rainhill, taylor
Nov 21/ Dec 8, 1751
William s. John & Easter Travers, Rainhill, taylor
Feb 3/ Feb 23, 1751
John s. John & Ellizabeth Travers, Eccleston, laboror
May 16/ May 20, 1753
Margritt [Margaret] d. John & Betty Travers[e], Eccleston, laboror
Feb 1/ Feb 14, 1762
Ellen d. Hugh & Margt Travers, Eccleston, shoemaker
Jun 23/ Jun 29, 1763
Mary d. Hugh & Margaret Travers, Eccleston, labourer
Marriages (by banns unless otherwise indicated)
March 5, 1735
Henry Wright, gent. <draper> & Mrs Sarah Travers <e>, spinster, both Prescot, lic Augustine Gwyn
October 12, 1742
Samuell Moyars [Moyers], Parr, naylor & Alice Travers, spinster, Sutton
October 18, 1748
Thomas Travers, laboror & Ellin Wright, widow, both Eccleston
April 17, 1750
John Barton, naylor & Mary Travers, spinster, both Parr
January 7, 1750
John Ward, Sutton, weavor & Alice Travers, spinster, Bold
August 1, 1751
Edward Pierpoint, Goburn [Goulborn], yemon & Ellizabeth <Elizabeth> Travers, Burtonwood, Warington p., lic Augustine Gwyn
May 1, 1755
John Wyke, Prescot, <watch toolmaker> & Ann Holding (Houlding), <spinster>, Eccleston, lic Augustine Gwyn, wit: Jno Traverse, Thos Harrocks
November 10, 1757
Samuel Birchall, <bach., grocer> Liverpool & Ann Traverse (Travers), <sp.> Windle, lic. Augustine Gwyn Vicar of Prescot, wit: Rob Eaton, William Moss
November 11, 1758
Peter Travers, <bach>, Bold, <yeoman> & Ellen Glover, <spinster>, Parr, lic. Augustine Gwyn, wit: John Glover, Nichs Marsh
January 2, 1759
William Travers <bach., Sutton, joiner> & Elizabeth (Elsabeth) Tyrer,, <widow>, both Windle, lic. Augustine Gwyn, wit: Jonathan Lyon, William Banister
April 18, 1759
James x Foster, <widower, husbandman> & Elizabeth x White <spinster>, both Windle, lic. Augustine Gwyn Vicar of Prescot, wit: Mathew Travers
September 23, 1759
William Wharton & Esther Travers, both Sutton, banns (Sep) 23 (banns only)
September 1, 1760
John Prescot & Esther x Travers, both Eccleston, Abraham Ashcroft schoolmaster and curate, wit: Edwd Foster, John Lane
February 7, 1764
Thomas x Woodcock, Windle & Esther x Travers, Rainford, Abraham Ashcroft, banns Oct 9, 16, 23 1763, wit: John Files, William Banister
April 22, 1764
James x Travers, <bach.>, Whiston, <husbandman> & Margaret x Webster, <widow>, Prescot, lic. Abraham Ashcroft, wit: Jane Swales, William Banister
July 4, 1764
William x Crook, <widower, aged 50, husbandman> & Catherine x Travers <Traviss, spinster, aged 35>, both Whiston, lic: Abraham Ashcroft, wit: James x Woods, William Banister
May 27, 1765
John Greenall & Elizabeth x Travers, both Parr, Abraham Ashcroft, wit: John Greenall, Ralph Jackson
February 6, 1727
Ellin Travers, Sutton, widow
June 30, 1728
Easter Travers, Eccleston, spinster
August 9, 1728
Thomas s. John & Alice Travers, Sutton, taylor
August 21, 1728
William Travers, collier
December 9, 1730
Mrs. Alice Travers, Prescot, widow
September 1, 1735
Mary, d. Peter & Jane Travers, Rainhill, joyner
March 24, 1736
Hugh, s. John & Eliz: Travers, Eccleston, laboror
September 16, 1737
James Travers, Sutton, laboror
May 13, 1741
Alice wife John Travers, Rainhill, taylor
February 6, 1741
Ann wife Richard Travers, Eccleston, shoomaker
November 27, 1743
No Christian name given, still born child of John Travers, Eccleston, laboror
August 26, 1746
Jane Travers, Eccleston, widow
January 5, 1746
William s. John Travers, Eccleston, laboror
January 31, 1748
John Travers, Rainhill, taylor
This is probably the John Travers taylor will that we have for 1749.
February 9, 1748
William s. John Travers, Eccleston, laboror
March 15, 1749
No Christian name given, still born child of John Travers, Eccleston, laborer
October 17, 1751
Thomas s. Thomas Travers, Eccleston, laboror
October 30, 1751
Henry s. Peter Travers, Sutton, collier
April 26, 1752
John s. John Travers, Eccleston, laboror
May 17, 1756
John Travers[e], Widness, taylor
June 12, 1756
John Travers, Eccleston, husbandman
September 4, 1763
Peter Traverse [Travers], Rainhill, joyner
January 19, 1764
Thos Travers, Windle, labourer
March 29, 1764
Mary d. Peter Travers, Parr, collier
The Registers of Prescot 1766-1795
LPRS Volume 163
Mar 6/ Mar 15, 1767
Thos s Hugh & Margt Travers, Eccleston, shoemaker
Jan 8/ Jan 22, 1769
Hugh s Hugh & Margt Travers, Whiston, shoemaker
Feb 2/ Feb 10, 1769
William s John & Sarah Travers, Prescot, taylor
Dec 7/ Dec 23, 1770
Ann d Thos & Elizth Travers, Prescot, shoemaker
Feb 14/ Mar 19, 1771
Ann d Hugh & Margaret Travers, Eccleston, shoemaker
From Bishops Transcripts
Jan 24/ Feb 7, 1773
Alice d Thos & Elizath Travers, Prescot, shoemaker
Jul 6/ Aug 20, 1775
Ellen d Thomas & Elizabeth Travers, Prescot, shoemaker
Oct 29/ Nov 26, 1775
Elizabeth d Hugh & Margaret Travers, Eccleston, shoemaker
Nov 27/ Dec 15, 1776
Esther d Thos & Elizth Travers, Prescot, shoemaker
Jan 16/ Jan 28, 1778
Hugh s Hugh & Margaret Travis, Eccleston, shoemaker
Sep 19/ Oct 4, 1778
John s Thomas & Elizabeth Travers, Prescot, cordwainer
Mar 4/ Mar 19, 1780
William s Hugh & Margaret Travers, Eccleston, cordwainer
Dec 16/ Dec 25, 1780
Alice d Thos & Eliz. Travers, Prescot, cordwainer
Nov 2/ Nov 24, 1782
William s Thos & Eliz. Traviss, Prescot, cordwainer
Feb 17/ Feb 26, 1783
Elizabeth d Hugh & Margt Travis, Eccleston, cordwainer
Mar 26/ Apr 6, 1783
John s John & Catherine Traverse, Eccleston, cordwainer
Jan 31/ Feb 20, 1785
Hugh s John & Catherine Traverse, Whiston, labourer
Jun 2/ Jul 3, 1785
Alice d Thos & Elizth Traverse, Prescot, cordwainer
Oct 22/ Nov 19, 1786
Elizabeth d John & Cathn Traverse, Whiston, cordwainer
Nov 19/ Dec 30, 1787
Joseph s Thos & Mary Traverse, Eccleston, labourer
Nov 21/ Dec 14, 1788
Ellen d John & Cathn Traverse, Whiston, labourer
Jun 5/ Jun 28, 1789
John s Thos & Mary Traverse, Eccleston, labourer
May 14/ Jun 4, 1790
Margaret d Thos & Mary Traverse, Eccleston, labourer
Jul 9/ Jul 25, 1790
Ellen d John & Cathn Traverse, Whiston, labourer
Mar 28/ Apr 13, 1792
Jane d John & Cathn Traverse, Whiston, labourer
Jun 24/ Aug 1, 1792
Elizabeth illeg. d Ann Traverse, Prescot
Oct 31/ Nov 25, 1792
John illeg. s Ann Traverse, Eccleston
Mar 26/ Apr 16, 1794
Thomas illeg. s Ann Traverse, Eccleston
Apr 29/ Jun 1, 1794
Sarah d John & Cathn Traverse, Eccleston, labourer
Jan 25/ Feb 13, 1795
Mary illeg. d Margaret Traverse, Prescot
Marriages (by banns unless otherwise indicated)
June 24, 1767
William x Fletcher & Jane x Berr[e]y, both Windle, Abraham Ashcroft, wit: Mathew Travers, William Banister
Likely our Mathew as witness.
January 13, 1769
John x Travers, <20, bach., taylor, s Esther Travers>, Parr & Sarah x Hornby, <22, sp.>, Prescot, lic., Augustine Gwyn, wit: Wm Webster, William Banister
August 27, 1769
William x Leyland, Bold & Elizabeth x Travers, Rainhill, Abraham Ashcroft, wit: John Sephton, William Banister
January 22, 1770
John x Travers, Parr & Anne [Ann] x Boardman, Windle, Abraham Ashcroft, wit: John Bridge, William Banister
May 5, 1771
Evan Travis & Esther x Vose, both Rainford, Abraham Ashcroft, wit: James Worthington, William Banister
March 4, 1773
Peter x Pemberton, <26, bach., fustian weaver>, Westley in p. of Leigh & Ann x Tyrer, <sp.> Windle, lic., Matthew Robinson, wit: Mathew Travers, William Banister
Likely our Mathew as witness.
June 2, 1776
William x Sexsmith, bach, husbandman & Margaret x Travers, sp., both Eccleston, Matthew Robinson, wit: John Barlow, William Haward
April 16, 1781
Samuel Burrows, husbandman & Lassy Travies, sp., both Parr, John Barnes, wit: James Barnes (one witness only)
October 22, 1781
James x Travers, joiner & Jane x Wright, sp., both Cronton, John Barnes, wit: James May, William Banister
April 1, 1782
Thomas Travers, bricklayer, Ditton & Mary x Crompton, Tarbock in p. of Huyton, John Barnes, wit: James May, John Travers
January 2, 1783
John x Travers[e], <22, bach,>, collier, Windle & Alice x Arnet, <22>, sp., Kirkby in p. of Walton, lic., John Barnes, wit: Richard Mercer, Edward Harrison
January 12, 1783
Joshua x Travers, weaver, Penketh & Esther x Leicester, sp., Sankey, John Barnes, wit: William Hardman, Joseph Ellison
November 8, 1786
John Yates, taylor & Alice Traverse (Travers), sp., both Prescot, William Thompson, wit: Jno Robinson, James Bradshaw
December 24, 1787
John Bushell, cordwainer, Windle & Mary x Traverse (Travers), sp, Eccleston, William Thompson, wit: James Bradshaw, Richd x Horton
October 13, 1788
John x Tyrer, taylor, Widnes & Margaret Eaud, sp., Cronton, William Thompson, wit: Mary Travers, James Bradshaw
January 13, 1789
Peter x Clark, sailer & Ellen Traverse, sp., both Windle, banns Nov 16, 23, 30 1788, William Thompson, wit: Joseph Robinson, William Cross
August 16, 1789
James Edwardson, husbandman & Margaret Woodward, sp., both Bold, William Thompson, wit: Margt x Traverse, James Bradshaw
June 3, 1790
George Traverse (Travers), weaver, Penketh & Mary x Lester, sp., Sankey, William Thompson, wit: John Doward, James Bradshaw
January 25, 1791
John x Plumpton, watch toolmr & Ann x Traverse, sp., both Ditton, William Thompson, wit: John x Travers, James Bradshaw (banns dated 1790, recte 1791)
February 14, 1791
James x Traverse, labourer, Widness & Ann x Woodward, widow, Cuardley, William Thompson, wit: James Bradshaw, Alexr x Hopley
January 5, 1794
John Fox, bricklayer, Sankey & Margaret x Atherton, spinster, Widness, William Ellam, wit: Richard Travers, Leigh Penington
June 1, 1771
Catherin[e] d Hugh Travers, Eccleston, husbandman
March 4, 1772
Peter Travers, Sutton, collier
March 30, 1772
Ellen Travers, Eccleston, widow
August 7, 1773
Alice d Thos Travers, Prescot, shoemaker
November 7, 1773
Thos s Jno Travers, Prescot, taylor
December 18, 1773
Sarah wife James Travers, Prescot, taylor
July 1, 1774
Ellin Travers, Parr, widow
April 20, 1775
Hugh s Hugh Traverse, Eccleston, labourer
June 29, 1780
William Travers, Parr, collier
March 1, 1781
Jane Travers, Bootle, spinster
April 22, 1781
Elizabeth d Hugh Travers, Eccleston, shoemaker
January 11, 1782
Alice d Thomas Travers, Prescot, shoemaker [cordwainer]
July 8, 1782
William Travers, Prescot, gentn {died Jul 4 aged 44, late of Prescot}
From memorial inscription in churchyard.
October 19, 1784
Elizabeth d Hugh Travers[e], Eccleston, cordwainer
January 22, 1786
Hugh s John Traverse [Travers], Whiston, labourer
September 4, 1787
Margaret w James Traverse, Warrington, gentn {* died Sep 1 aged 34, late of Warrington}
From memorial inscription in churchyard.
March 13, 1788
Elizabeth Traverse, Eccleston, widow, paupr
April 20, 1788
Esther Traverse, Prescot, widow
May 26, 1789
James Traverse, Warrington, gentleman {* died May 23 aged 48, late of Warrington }
From memorial inscription in churchyard.
August 25, 1789
Ellen d John Traverse, Whiston, labourer
October 12, 1790
Ellen d John Traverse, Whiston, labourer
October 14, 1790
William Traverse, Eccleston, taylor, paupr
March 16, 1791
Ellen Traverse, Eccleston, spinster
December 13, 1791
Betty d John Traverse, Sutton, collier
May 7, 1793
John illeg. s Ann Traverse, Eccleston
September 5, 1793
Jane Travers, Eccleston, widow
May 13, 1794
Ellen d Thomas Traverse, Prescot, cordwainer, paupr
September 3, 1794
Peter s late John Traverse, Sutton, collier
The Register of the Chapel of Rainford 1702-1812
LPRS Volume 119
1742. Page 10
Aug. 1 George s. Mathue Travis, shoomaker, W.
(** I believe this a known descendant of our Matthew Travers **)
1772. Page 23
Apr. 12. Ellin d Evin Travis [Traverse], R., husb.
1720. Page 56
July 7 John Travise, Eccleston, taylor, & Mary Moss, Bold
1721. Page 57
Nov. 9 Henry Travise & Esther Lowe
1725. Page 58
Feb. 21 Peter Travis [Travers], joiner, Eclston, & Jane Lay, Ranell
1726. Page 58
Dec. 21 Thomas Hearst, Prescott, & Hano Travis. W.
1731. Page 60
Jan. 7 James Travis & Margrat Sunner [Sumner], Parr
1732. Page 60
Jan. 14 [Sept.] John Travis [Travies] & Elisabeth Septon [Travies], Excelton
1733. Page 60
Aug. 19 Thomas Asnape & Ann Travise, b. Sankee
1761. Page 71
Jan. 20 Thomas Lee, R., & Hannah Travers [Trances], Warrington, Wit. Thomas Haigh, Wm. Allen
1761. Page 72
Oct. 16 Hugh x Travers [Traves], shoemaker, & Margret x Lyon, b.t.p. [S.]. Wit. Thomas Jump, Thomas Breadberry
1768. Page 78
Dec. 27 John x Kelly, husb., & Winifred x Bullard, sp., b. S. Wit. Edmund Bispham, Matthew Traes.
1771. Page 81
Aug. 22 Thomas x Lomax, husb., & Margery x Longton, sp., b. Bold. Wit John Lomax, John Traverse, James Spencer
1772. Page 82
June 21 Peter x Traverse, husb., & Ellin x Blundell, b. Parr. Wit. James Spencer, Matthew Hill
1784. Page 92
May 23 James x Travis, carpenter, ba., & Ann x Wright, sp., b.t.p., lic. Wit. Joseph Smith, Mary x Swift
1798. Page 105
May 27 Thomas Travers, cordwainer, ba., & Nanny x Pye, sp., b.t.p. Wit. John Webb, Peter Birchall
1799. Page 107
Oct. 14 Richard x Hardman, coalminer, ba., & Anne x Palmer, sp., b.t.p. Wit. John Travers, Peter Birchall
1802. Page 110
Jan. 17 Richard x Ashcroft, blacksmith, ba., & Margaret x Ratcliffe, sp., b.t.p. Wit. Thomas x Travers, Peter Birchall
1806. Page 116
May 11 William x Travers, potter, ba., & Anne x Parr, sp., b.t.p. Wit. Edward x Benson, Peter Birchall
1807. Page 117
Jan. 29 Johns Unsworth, watch-movement maker, widr., & Margaret Pye, sp., b.t.p. Wit. Thomas Travers, Peter Birchall
1729. Page 129
Feb. 21 Margrat d. John Travis [Travies], R.
1765. Page 139
[Apr. 30 Sarah w. Mr. John Travis, W.]
1774. Page 142
Jan. 31 Ellen d. Evan Traverse, husb., R.
1777. Page 144
Feb. 28 Peter s. Euan & Ann Traverse, W. (not in BT)
1783. Page 146
Nov. 8 Peggy d. John & Betty Travers, Eccleston
1785. Page 147
Apr. 17 Richard s. John & Betty Travers, Eccleston
1787. Page 148
Apr. 18 John Travers, yeo., St. Hellens
1789. Page 149
Jan. 21 Ann d. John & Betty Travers, W.
1791. Page 150
May 31 Betty d. John & Betty Travers, W.
Lancashire Wills
Wills obtained from Lancashire Will List
Remember that the new year began on March 25 under the Julian Calendar until the Gregorian Calendar came into effect on January 1, 1752.
Ann Travers of Burtonwood
Supra - Original Wills "T-V Y" 1533-1600 FHL British Film 89451
Peter Travers of Windle, co. Lancaster
Supra - Original Wills "A-Z" 1604 FHL British Film 89458
This will be an important will to obtain as I believe it links to the Peter Travers pedigree in the Travers/Sides book.
(Awaiting transcription)
Elizabeth Travers of Bold
Supra - Original Wills "A-Z" 1609 FHL British Film 89465
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
Ann Travis of Knowsley, Huyton widow Inv.
Infra - Original Wills "A-Y" 1609 FHL British Film 89706
William Travers of Wigan
Supra - Original Wills "I-W" 1611 FHL British Film 89469
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF WIGAN.
Elizabeth Travis of Bold, widow
Supra - Original Wills "P-W" 1614 FHL British Film 89475
From the Travers/Sides book for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
James Travers of Hardshaw Inv
Supra - Original Wills "L-Z" 1625 FHL British Film 89508
James Travers of Hardshaw Inv
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" 1626 FHL British Film 89510
William Travis of Wigan
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" 1631 FHL British Film 89520
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
William Travis of Wigan
Account - 1621-1700, T-Y FHL British 166098
John Travis of Bold, parish of Prescot yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" 1636 FHL British Film 89534
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
John Travis of Eccleston
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" 1639 FHL British Film 89543
This will be an important will to obtain as I believe it links to the Peter Travers pedigree in the Travers/Sides book.
Hamnett Travers of Knowsley, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "P-Y" 1647 FHL British Film 89558
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF KNOWSLEY. This branch of the family was Protestant, except for Hamnett (Hamlet) 's wife Alice.
John Travis of Eccleston Admon
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" 1648 FHL British Film 89560
Henry Travis of Knowsley, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" 1663 FHL British Film 89575
Same film as below Richard Travers
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF KNOWSLEY.
Richard Travers of Knowsley, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" 1663 FHL British Film 89575
Same film as above Henry Travis.
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF KNOWSLEY.
Thomas Travers of Warrington Inv
Supra - Original Wills "N-Z" 1665 FHL British Film 89581
Elizabeth Travers of Warrington Admon with Inv
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" 1674 FHL British Film 89618
Elizabeth Travis alias Anderton of Knowsley Admon
Supra - Original Wills "So-Z" 1675 FHL British Film 89621
William Travis of Burtonwood
Supra - Original Wills "T-Z" 1676 FHL British Film 89627
John Travis of Huyton, husbandman
Infra - Original Wills "A-Y" 1676-1677 FHL British Film 89721
John Travers of Windle Admon with Inv
There is a burial for a John Travers of Windle Sept 2, 1681.
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1681 FHL British Film 89644
(Same reel as below John Travers)
(Awaiting transcription)
John Travers of Horton Admon with Inv
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1681 FHL British Film 89644
(Same reel as above John Travers)
John Travers of Horton Admon with Inv
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (1) 1682 FHL British Film 89647
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (2) 1682 FHL British Film 89648
John Travers of Eccleston
From LPRS CD listed below, I believe this John Travers was buried February 15, 1682.
of Eccleston, near Knowsley. Husbandman. He is clearly not a Catholic as he desires to be buried in the Church Yard of Prescot. This will was written on February 13, 1682.
One third of estate to wife Margritt. Remaining two thirds to four daughters Margritt, Ann, Elizabeth, Ellen Travers and son is Mathew Travers. Mathew to receive ten pounds less than the daughters. His youngest son John Travers and Peter Knowls appointed Executors
Henry Travers is a witness to the inventory of possessions.
Supra - Original Wills "N-Z" (1) 1683 FHL British Film 89651
Supra - Original Wills "N-Z" (2) 1683 FHL British Film 89652
Thomas Travis of Burtonwood
Supra - Original Wills "P-Z" (1) 1685 FHL British Film 89660
Supra - Original Wills "P-Z" (2) 1685 FHL British Film 89661
Grace Travers of Knowsley, Widow
Infra - Original Wills "G-T" 1687 FHL British Film 89728
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF KNOWSLEY.
John Travers of Horton Admon
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" 1687 FHL British Film 89667
William Traves of Windle Admon with Inv
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1691 FHL British Film 89677
William Travis of Widnes, mariner Admon
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" (1) 1692 FHL British Film 89679
Supra - Original Wills "I-Z" (2) 1692 FHL British Film 89680
Bryan Travis of Warrington
Infra - Original Wills "A-Z" FHL British Film 89744
Peter Travers of Liverpool, mariner
Supra - Original Wills "S-Y" 1700 FHL British Film 88610
William Travers of Liverpool, merchant (mercatoris)
Supra - Original Wills "H-Y" 1706 FHL British Film 88625
James Travis of Bold, yeoman Nunc Will
Supra - Original Wills "I-Y" 1708 FHL British Film 88630
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
John Travers of Eccleston near Knowsley, linen weaver
From LPRS CD listed below, I believe this John Travers was buried May 13, 1709.
Sons John, Peter, Samuel, Thomas and daughters Mary and Alice. Wife Mary and son Thomas are executors.
Supra - Original Wills "R-Y" 1709 FHL British Film 88633
James Travers of Burtonwood, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "I-Y" 1711 FHL British Film 88638
Matthew Travers of Liverpool Admon 1714
Supra - Original Wills "I-Y" 1714 FHL British Film 88644
(Awaiting transcription)
Peter Travers of Bold, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "H-Y" 1717 FHL British Film 88650
From the Travers/Sides pedigree for TRAVERS OF BOLD.
Samuel Travers of Liverpool with Inv
Supra - Original Wills "P-Y" 1720 FHL British Film 88659
Thomas Travers of Windle, yeoman Admon with Inv
From LPRS CD listed below, I believe this Thomas Travers (jackmaker) was buried March 29, 1721.
His widow is Ellen
Supra - Original Wills "R-Y" 1721 FHL British Film 88662
Edward Travers of Liverpool, mariner Admon
Supra - Original Wills "R-Y" 1721 FHL British Film 88662
Travers, John of Liverpool, whitesmith
Will written in 1714. Owned land in Eccleston, near Knowsley. Wife Elizabeth, son Henry. Late brother also named Henry. Had a dwelling house in Liverpool that he left to his daughter. No other children.
Supra - Original Wills "R-Y" 1723 FHL British Film 88670
Alice Travise of Great Sankey
Infra - Original Wills "L-Z" 1729-1730 FHL British Film 89762
(Note this is the same reel as Jane Traverse, below)
Jane Traverse of Burtonwood
Infra - Original Wills "L-Z" 1729-1730 FHL British Film 89762
(Note this is the same reel as Alice Traverse, above)
John Travers of Rainhill, tailor Admon
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1749 FHL British Film 88749
William Travers of Burton Wood, yeoman
Supra - Original Wills "P-Z" 1760 FHL British Film 88779
John Travers of Prescot, gentleman
Will written in 1764. Leaves his estate to his eldest Brother is Peter Travers. In will it states that if Peter buys anything from Peter's brother William's shop for his funeral then his estate is to be left to his brother George Travers.
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1767 FHL British Film 88801
Peter Travis of Warrington, linen weaver
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1769 FHL British Film 88807
Peter Travers of Bold, gentleman
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1770 FHL British Film 88810
Ellen Traves of Parr, widow
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1775 FHL British Film 88829
(Note this is the same reel as George Travers of Liverpool, below)
George Travers of Liverpool, innkeeper
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1775 FHL British Film 88829
(Note this is the same reel as Ellen Traves of Parr, above)
George Travers of Warrington, gentleman
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" 1782 FHL British Film 88851
Travers, James of Warrington, gentleman
Had a pew in Leigh Parish Church.
Sister Catherine Travers
Brother Peter Travers
Nephew George Sorocold Travers, son of Brother Peter Travers. He was a Roman Catholic.
(There is a baptism in the St Helens Parish Register for Sept 24, 1761 for George Sorocold Travers, son of Petter Travers, Prescot, Gent, born Aug 25.)
Second Cousin William Travers.
Second Cousin Richard Travers, brother of William Travers.
Second Cousin Peter Travers, brother of William and Richard.
Late brother William Travers' wife named Elizabeth.
First cousin Ralph Bridesake. Late Uncle John Sorocold.
Daughters of First Cousin Richard Travers are Fanny Travers, Elizabeth Skitt, and Rebecca Travers.
Supra - Original Wills "O-Z" 1791 FHL British Film 88880
Travers, William of Prescot, gentleman Admon. with Will
Will written in 1780. William left his estate including lands located at Bedford near Leigh and Croft and Southworth, Lancaster to his wife Elizabeth and his brother James of Warrington (the same James as this other will).
Supra - Original Wills "O-Z" 1791 FHL British Film 88880
Peter Travers of Bold, Liverpool gentleman
Will written in 1787. George Sorocold Travers is his son who had previously received a large inheritance from his maternal grandmother Catherine Langtree. His late mother was her sole surviving heir. For that reason Peter left everything to his current wife Mary and also his daughter Jane.
Supra - Original Wills "O-Y" (1) 1801 FHL British Film 88937
Supra - Original Wills "O-Y" (2) 1801 FHL British Film 88938
Supra - Original Wills "O-Y" (3) 1801 FHL British Film 88939
23 Nov 1802
John Traverse of Windle, gentleman
Son Thomas Travers by a former wife. Has children with current wife.
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (1) 1802 FHL British Film 88947
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (2) 1802 FHL British Film 88948
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (3) 1802 FHL British Film 88949
13 Oct 1806
Jane Travers of Sutton, co. Lancaster
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (1) 1806 FHL British Film 88986
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (2) 1806 FHL British Film 88987
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (3) 1806 FHL British Film 88988
15 May 1807
Joshua Travers of Prescot, weaver Ad.
Infra - Original Wills "O-Z" 1807 FHL British Film 89825
1 Mar 1808
Robert Traverse of Burton wood
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (1) 1808 FHL British Film 89007
Supra - Original Wills "R-Z" (2) 1808 FHL British Film 89008
16 Sep 1811
John Travis of Liverpool, gentleman (subsequent grant 1825)
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (1) 1816 FHL British Film 89089
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (2) 1816 FHL British Film 89090
22 Mar 1813
George Travers of Prescot, gentleman
son of our William Travers
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (1) 1813 FHL British Film 89054
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (2) 1813 FHL British Film 89055
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (3) 1813 FHL British Film 89056
30 Nov 1814
Travers, William Matthew of Liverpool, gentleman
daughter Ann, wife of Anthony Jackson of Liverpool
Grandson John, son of late William Travers of Warrrington.
Granddaughter Martha, daughter of the same late William Travers.
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (1) 1814 FHL British Film 89066
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (2) 1814 FHL British Film 89067
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (3) 1814 FHL British Film 89068
7 Nov 1815
Richard Travers of Warrington, gentleman
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (1) 1815 FHL British Film 89077
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (2) 1815 FHL British Film 89078
Supra - Original Wills "Q-Z" (3) 1815 FHL British Film 89079
13 Jul 1816
William Travers of Penketh, weaver
Infra - Original Wills "A-Z" 1816 FHL British Film 89836
20 Sep 1817
William Travers of Prescot, gentleman. A.w.T. Tuon & Inv
Our William Travers, son of our elder Matthew Travers, see also PCC will for William
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (1) 1817 FHL British Film 89100
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (2) 1817 FHL British Film 89101
Supra - Original Wills "S-Z" (3) 1817 FHL British Film 89102
Jan 1823
Mary Travis, Sutton, Prescot, widow
Supra - Original Wills "T-Z" (1) 1823 FHL British Film 89172
Supra - Original Wills "T-Z" (2) 1823 FHL British Film 89173
April 1823
Mary Travers Windle, spinster
daughter of our Matthew Travers
Supra - Original Wills "T-Z" (1) 1823 FHL British Film 89172
Supra - Original Wills "T-Z" (2) 1823 FHL British Film 89173
Dec 1831
Rebecca Travers Warrington
Infra - Original Wills "L-Z" 1831 FHL British Film 89856
Jul 1834
Ann Travers Warrington Widow
Supra - Original Wills "T-V" 1834 FHL British Film 89329
July 1836
Mary Traverse of Eccleston, Lancs. widow
Supra - Original Wills "P-Y" (1) 1836 FHL British Film 89352
Supra - Original Wills "P-Y" (2) 1836 FHL British Film 89353
Supra - Original Wills "P-Y" (3) 1836 FHL British Film 89354
To be ordered next:
James Glover of Prescot (apparently Matthew Travers is Executor, and also James Glover was apparently a Catholic)
FHL British Film 88794, 1765-Original Wills "G-M" 1765
Wills obtained from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (National Archives):
Matthew Travers of Saint Matthew Bethnal Green, Middlesex 16 November 1829
Prob 11/1763, Image 148
son of William Travers the Watchmaker
William Travers, Widower of Prescot, Lancashire 24 September 1817
Prob 11/1596, Image 392)
son of elder Matthew Travers
Ellen Travers, Spinster of Eccleston, Lancashire 07 June 1842
Prob 11/1964, Image 293
daughter of William Travers
Henry Travers, Currier of Liverpool, Lancashire 25 June 1841
Prob 11/1948, Image 394
son of William Travers
Mary Travers, Widow of Warrington, Lancashire 27 June 1760 (Prob 11/857, Image 172/171) (no known relation)
Thomas Travers, Bricklayer of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 13 July 1793 (Prob 11/1235, Image 78) (no known relation)
John Jackson (no known relation) (Prob 11/1961, Image 87)
John Jackson (no known relation) (Prob 11/1961, Image 88)